Social Transformation: A Path to Universal Peace
A Path to Universal Peace
“Let your vision be world embracing.”
We are pleased to invite you to a meeting of all those who want to contribute to the betterment of the world we live in. The teachings of Bahá’u’lláh present a vision of a peaceful global civilization based on the recognition of the oneness of humanity. If this idea touches your heart and you would like to learn more, be sure to come! Similar gatherings will be held around the world and “will give the participants an opportunity to gain greater insight into the nature of the spiritual enterprise in which they are engaged” and will offer an opportunity to appreciate “being part of a community that has set its gaze upon the spiritual and material transformation of society, and … being connected by bonds of love and camaraderie with brothers and sisters in a global effort…”
How can we build vibrant communities?
What is Bahá’u’lláh’s vision of a prosperous society?
What role does education play in transforming society?
Where is society heading?
At the Bahá’í Center of Washtenaw County
5550 Morgan Rd, Ypsilanti, MI 48197
- Zoom participation option available during conference sessions (see Zoom info below)
- Continental breakfast and lunch to be provided free of charge
- RSVP appreciated by May 3
- Parallel activities for children and junior youth will be available onsite during the formal sessions. Parental supervision is required for all children.
Program will include: sharing experiences, consultation, exploring means and methods by which individuals, communities and institutions can get involved in the process, the arts and creativity for children and adults.
9:00-10:00: Registration and Continental Breakfast
10:00-10:30: Welcome
10:30-12:00: Session 1
12:00-1:00: Lunch
1:00-2:30: Session 2
2:30-3:00: Break
3:00-4:15: Film: Glimpses of a Hundred Years of Endeavor
4:15-5:00: Closing Remarks
Meeting ID: 976 8591 7196
Passcode: 322683
(Zoom access begins at 10 am and will be inactive during the lunch break from 12 to 1.)
This conference is organized by the Bahá’í communities of Pittsfield and Ypsilanti Townships.