Featured Book: A Child’s Baha’i ABC
Please come and check out our newly reorganized bookstore at the Baha’i Center of Washtenaw County!
The bookstore at the Bahá’í Center of Washtenaw County features a variety of books of interest to the members of the Bahá’í community. Prayer books and selections from the writings make up the largest section, and you will also find books on Bahá’í history and current topics. In addition, there are books and materials in languages other than English, interfaith materials and Ruhi books for purchase, as well as a small collection of used books.
The children’s section has been moved to another area of the bookstore, with more space so that books can be easily reviewed. They are also now more accessible to children, and hopefully will generate interaction and questions from children in the community. With that in mind, our featured book this month is a children’s book:
A Child’s Baha’i ABC
By Joan A. Featherstone
This book is a typical alphabet book for young readers, but in place of the more typical objects, the author has substituted Baha’i concepts, important figures, and virtues, with an explanation for each. She has also placed a pertinent quotation from the writings on each page facing the individual letter pages. This is an illustrated book that appears simple at first, but the ideas and history presented is complex enough that a child would most probably read it over and over. The quotations add another layer that will make the book rewarding for adults as well. This book would be a welcome addition to any Baha’i child’s library.
From the book:
N is for Nation
A nation is a country like Australia, Brazil, Canada, Malaysia, Germany, China, Tonga, United States.
‘Abdu’l-Baha tells us that the people and nations of the world are of one family, the children of one Father, and should be, to one another, as brothers and sisters.
The goodness of God is poured forth on all. He does not favour one nation above another nation, for all are His creatures.
Find this book in the Children’s Section of the bookstore at the Baha’i Center.