Featured Book: Happy Fasting – A Healthy Approach to the Baha’i Fast
Happy Fasting
A Healthy Approach to the Baha’i Fast
By Saeid Mirafzali, M.D.
This book is a quick read, but is full of useful information and ideas for preparation and observation of the Baha’i 19-Day Fast. It is well-organized and clear, and addresses both the physical and spiritual aspects of the Fast. The information provided is reassuring in the area of health, emphasizing the balance and moderation in the Baha’i approach, and specifying that the physical aspect is secondary to the spiritual.
Baha’is can be certain that the Baha’i Fast is designed to assist us in our physical health and spiritual growth, as well as to provide us with a chance to “recalibrate” our relationship to both the physical and the spiritual. The book also emphasizes that individual responses to the Fast will be varied, and most chapters end with questions for individual reflection. There are many concrete explanations and suggestions, and the general tone is encouraging and helpful. Both new Baha’is and those experienced with the Fast can find something to learn here.
From the book:
The world around us can be very distracting with diversions and disruptions. Despite all of this, the path towards spiritual transformation is gradual but certain, if we remain obedient to the laws of Baha’u’llah. Self-awareness, thoughtful planning, and perseverance are essential if we are to enjoy and achieve both the physical and spiritual goals of fasting.
Find this book at our Bahá’í Center bookstore.